Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Oh, to be elsewhere today

Yesterday was a bad Monday. However, I did leave work at a reasonable hour and get the chance to go running at a trail near our house. That always relieves the stress a bit. Today I'm just wishing I were somewhere else. Preferably, the Caribbean.

It's going to be awhile before I get to my favorite region again. Not having any plans to visit an island in the future is a tough pill to swallow. We do have Costa Rica planned for next May, but I tend to long for what's familiar, not the unknown. I'm dreaming of laying on a quiet stretch of sand, under a sea grape tree on St. John. Or, maybe, sharing a glass of wine with The Italian on Petit Plage in Grand Case while the sun sets.

The next time I venture to the Caribbean, I should go further afield. I've never been to the Leeward Islands. Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent in particular have always appealed, but the remoteness and travel difficulties have always kept me from going for it. As an American and a lawyer, vacation weeks are few and far between (which is quite sad).

I'm just feeling pensive right now, having dreams of blue water, a cold beer, and a vibe so laid back that I can feel my perpetually-tense shoulders relaxing.

The picture above is St. Martin, Pinel Island to be exact. This was taken during our January 2007 trip. Wish I were there, or anywhere but here today.


  1. Philippe said...

    Island Chica, I know how you can feel as it happens to me also sometime... I wish I was somewhere else... which is weird, because me, I am here : and "here" is where you wish to be... And me, sometime I wish to be in our New York upstate cabin, watching the deers and the birds in the surrounding woods, as I can't stand the beach and ocean water anymore because of "island fever"... If it can make you feel better, I don't know if it matter for you, but actually, and in fact since weeks, the island has been extremely hot, humid and heavy. It is rainy often which bring us a lot of mosquitoes, so it is not really comfortable right now and in fact it almost sucks!!!... I know , I know... it doesn't matter, but I just tried...
    Take care,