Monday, April 21, 2008

Odds and ends

It's been a while, but we've had a lot going on. The Italian's sister had her gastric bypass on April 15th (tax day). She is just being discharged today, as she had a serious complication over the weekend. She had an intestinal blockage and some sort of umbilical hernia. She's better now, but there were some tense times.

We also had some of the Italian's cousins from NYC in town for the last week. It was really fun.

Things have been surprisingly good for me lately. I'm not sure if it's the arrival of spring weather, the upcoming vacation, the fact that I've been taking measures to get my workouts back on track, better eating or just an overall shift, but things feel clearer now.

We received news a few weeks back that one of our good couple-friends is moving to Texas. These friends are some of our last true family-like friends left in this area. We haven't been terribly close in the last year because since they've had their first child, they've dropped off the map. It happens sometimes. I try to understand, but I can't say my feelings aren't hurt.

Anyway, I am really thinking hard now about where I want the Italian and I to be. No question, if I wasn't married, I'd be out of this city like a bolt of lightening. However, realities being what they are, I am married and I have two residences. Shit. How are we going to sell these places?

The Italian and I have some stuff to figure out. If I had my druthers, one of us would find a contract somewhere warm, like the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, St. Thomas, etc. I don't know if I'll win that battle though.

I realize that I've been spinning my wheels here at work. While there are certainly good things about where I work, this place makes me feel as if my world's a little small. I never get the chance to travel in this job, and I never will. While many of the people I work with are nice, a lot of them have a very defeatest attitude. There's a lot of complaining, and a lot of people who just accept that moderate unhappiness is their lot in life. I won't accept that.

So, here I am. I know I need to move on, but I'm frustrated because I have to wait to do so. For now, I will save as much money as I can, keep myself healthy and employed, and wait it out. I'll travel as much as we can afford to, and not worry so much about how much time I'm taking off work. After all, I highly doubt a partnership here is in the cards for me.

It's 75 degrees outside today and not a cloud in the sky. I'm going to Costa Rica in 10 days, going to the beach and mountains this summer and going to St. John in October. Life could be worse.