Friday, February 29, 2008

Too casual

I just read an article about the sorry state of the US economy. When a reporter asked President Bush what he thought about a recent economic report that suggests gas might reach $4.00 a gallon by next year, his comment was "That's interesting, I hadn't heard that before."

Geez, those words suggest the kind of lazy, half-ass response I give when the Italian starts blabbering on about string theory or outer space or some other article from Discover magazine. "That's interesting, dear."

Did anyone ever teach this guy how to respond to a question appropriately? How about, "I'm not familiar with that report, so I'm not equipped to comment on specifics at this point. However, the government is doing everything it can to...." I mean, come on! It's not that hard, dude! At least act like you care, lame duck or not.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Vegas trip report, finally.

We arrived in Vegas on February 13th at 10:00 pm, shortly after the airport re-opened after closing for high winds (70 MPH gusts). It was an unpleasant flight that involved one aborted landing attempt about 30 feet from the runway, lots of white knuckles, and a plane packed full of anxious travelers. After hearing that we had one more chance to land or else we were being diverted, the captain received thunderous applause when he actually put the plane down, albeit clumsily.

As always, we do carry-on only, so we quickly got a cab and arrived at the MGM. We checked in to the MGM easily around 10:30 pm. This was my first time staying at this property, and I'm not sure I'm in a hurry to get back. We were put in a "West Wing" room, which is some sort of code for "ultra-sleek design involving a non-private toilet, non-existent bathroom countertop, and ship-like tight quarters designed to distract you from the fact that this block of rooms has ABSOLUTELY NO VIEW." Hell, we'd paid $69 a night and it was Valentine's Day weekend, President's Day weekend AND a fight weekend at the MGM. I'm pretty sure we're lucky they didn't put us in the maid's closet.

One of the things I love about Vegas is looking out of my hotel windows and seeing the mountains in the distance. It reminds you that, despite the glitz that is Vegas, Nevada still has a tremendous amount of natural beauty if you step outside the city. I barely saw the mountains at all this trip since we had such a crappy room. If I had it to do over, I'd have requested a different room.

We hit the casino late that night and stayed up until about 2:00 am. I really don't remember much of what we did that evening, though I feel certain we lost about $200. I should've known when our flight landed safely and (relatively) on-time that I'd already pressed my luck enough. As usual, I couldn't leave well enough alone.

On Thursday, February 14th, we awoke to beautiful skies, brisk temperatures, and MY BIRTHDAY! We got out around 9:00 and headed over to NY NY. This casino is undergoing renovations, but it's still nice. We ate at the Il Fornaio (sp) cafe, where I had a yummy, fat-laden parfait and a latte. We soon moved to the blackjack tables where I promptly lost about $100. Huh. However, NY NY will "rate" you if you're playing even $5 a hand, so I'd like to think that I'll eventually see some of that $$ back in reduced room rates at other MGM properties. I also began imbibing vodka and grapefruit juice at this point. Perhaps a bit prematurely, but whatever, it was my birthday.

We soon moved to Planet Hollywood, which replaced the former Aladdin. Woooeee, this place is fancy! Planet Hollywood redid the front parts of the shoppes, and it's now white and very sleek. I quickly entered Max Studio and promptly dropped $80 on a silk shirt. Again, it's my birthday. I took my loot and hit the casino. I played slots for a while and stayed constant. Hubby went to the blackjack table and managed to win. Yeah! Once I came over to the blackjack area, he started losing. Eventually, I took hubby's place on the table. I noticed that the table surface said "The Pleasure Pit." Apparently, after 8 pm, dancers mount these little stands and wiggle it to very loud music. The combination of loud music and a grouping of blackjack table was popular at many different casinos, including Flamingo and Harrah's. I don't get it, you can't hear people talk, and it gives me a headache.

Anyway, I played for a long time and embarrassed myself with my tipsy verbal banter. Hubby finally pulled me away as we had tickets to O that night. We grabbed a quick piece of pizza at the MGM before heading over to the Bellagio, and we saw Howie Mandel while we were eating. A minor celebrity for sure, but I'm pretty bad at noticing people, so I felt happy I saw someone famous on a big weekend in Vegas. I later found out that George Clooney and Paris Hilton were in Vegas that weekend as well. I mean, come on! I wish I'd seen George instead.

O was incredible. It's a Cirque Du Soleil water show, and I was mesmerized. We had great seats, about 14 rows from the stage in the center row, and we were on the end. That means that the actor's interacted with us a bit, as they come up and down the aisles several different times. Though it is expensive, I'd highly recommend this show for anyone who wants to pick one show to see in Vegas.

After O, we went back and ordered room service. I fell asleep, exhausted but content.

Friday was spent gambling at the Monte Carlo, which had just reopened that day after being shut down for several weeks due to the fire. Business was slow, but the employees seemed glad to be back. We played for a while and then had lunch at Diablo's, a new place that opened up in front of the Monte Carlo. It's a mexican joint that reminds me of the Pink Taco at Hard Rock. We had some great nachos and margaritas, and it was nice to take a load off.

We tinkered around to several different casinos and played more blackjack. I'm pretty sure we lost again. Dinner that night was at Trader's Vics on the patio, under heat lamps. The food was so-so, but the Bellagio fountain view was great and the company couldn't be beat ;) After dinner, we hit Paris, where I jumped on a $10 blackjack table. With the Italian standing behind me, I quickly started garnering quiet, hateful stares from my tablemates as I won hand after hand after hand. I couldn't lose - for once! I more than doubled my cash and walked away.

Saturday was our last day. We were leaving on a red-eye back that night at midnight, so we had the whole day to kill. We ate at the MGM buffet that morning, and I'm glad we waited until Saturday to use our free meal. The buffet was positively buzzing that morning as it was a fight day. I'm not a boxing fan, but this was apparently the middleweight championship fight between Pavlik-Taylor. There were quite a few "important" folks in the restaurant that morning - now, I'm not sure who they were, but they sure thought they were important.

We checked out at noon and headed down towards the North strip. We ended up playing most of the day at the Mirage, which continues to be the one casino I can rely on for blackjack wins. I was dismayed to see that most of their blackjack tables are continous shuffle, which really sucks for the player. However, we found a few traditional tables and played most of the afternoon, leaving about $400 up. We had dinner at some random restaurant, tinkered away most of our winnings at Paris and the MGM, and then headed for the airport. We didn't time it too well because we were leaving right as the fight ended. The MGM flooded with more people than I thought possible. Fortunately, a very nice porter moved us to the front of the extensive taxi line, and off we went.

I was exhausted and ready to go home. I needed detox. I needed my treadmill. I needed my bed.

Our flight was on time and we arrived home around 7:00 am.

Overall, I was less enthused with Vegas this time than I've been on my prior trips. I didn't win, which is unusual for me, but typical for the average player. I suppose I've had better than average luck until now, and that was bound to run out at some point. I didn't care for the South strip area around the MGM. I much prefer to stay in the Paris/Flamingo area as that area has less junk shops and "porn slappers" shoving naked lady cards in your face. I don't know if I'm in such a hurry to go back. I look at the money we spent that weekend and think "gee, I could've gone to Mexico and laid around a fancy resort all weekend and gotten really relaxed." Instead, I spent half of the next week exhausted and drained.

Nonetheless, it was a good birthday. I really enjoyed O, walking around during the beautiful sunny days and seeing snow covering the Nevada mountains. I was dismayed at some of the changes I saw in the casinos, from switching to continuous shuffle blackjack to the exorbitantly high table limits at most of the places on the strip. A lot has changed since my first ever visit in 2004, and I've seen changes for the worse every year since.

I feel like I've ended on a negative note, but the trip was very fun. We spent part of Saturday evening sitting in the Paris hotel walkway at a cafe, watching dozens of people attending fancy events walk by. Some of the wardrobe choices were questionable, and we had fun making up stories about the people that walked by. People-watching in Vegas simply can't be beat. I think it even surpasses New York. Like I always say, if you can't find a way to have fun in Vegas, you don't know how to have fun.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oliver wants O-U-T

Friday, February 22, 2008

Arghhh... itchy!

I've had a bad reaction to some medication and now I'm itching like a fool. Apparently I'm allergic to minocycline. Who knew?

Please god, please, let the nurse call me back soon.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My reign as the unluckiest flyer ever continues

The good news: we got to Vegas last Wednesday night.

The bad news: we only arrived after battling 50 MPH wind gusts and an aborted landing.

My reign as the unluckiest flyer ever continues! Seriously, why do I even try to fly to Vegas any more? Each and every flight I've ever taken out there has sucked with a capital "S."

The kicker this time? It seems we used up all our luck on that landing, because getting on that plane was the only gamble we won all weekend. Okay, so that's not entirely true, we did come out ahead at the Mirage (what else is new?) but pretty much donated our winnings to MGM later that same evening.

I'm not really in the proper frame of mind to write a trip report, but when I do the following topics will be covered: Ugly Americans, kilts, the Pleasure Pit, O, and a really embarassing birthday moment.

I bet you can't wait!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Tomorrow is my birthday. See that little trip counter down on my page that mentions Vegas? It currently reads less than one day until departure. See, technically we're supposed to leave tonight at 8:00pm and arrive in Vegas at 9:30pm. I looked at last night and it hit me that neither of these things is likely to happen.

All hell has broken loose in the NE USA. Delays abound, the weather sucks. In my little city, we're overcast with increasing winds all day. In Vegas, they're expecting sustained winds of about 28 MPH when we're set to land. Never mind the gusts, which could reach 50 MPH. Holy mother of shit. My air traffic controller SIL tells me we may be able to land, but it'll be a game time decision.

I don't want to throw a pity party for myself, but I'm sad. I've been looking forward to this little getaway for so long, and a day's delay would pretty much ruin the point of the trip. We only have about 3 days as it is, so one less would mean we'd be running around like crazy and would have no relaxation time. C'est la vie, I suppose.

And, the Italian told me last night he bought tickets to O for my birthday tomorrow night. I hope we make it by then.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I know what I said

I know I said I wouldn't be back for a while, but I lied. I do that sometimes. Yesterday I was a model of efficiency. This afternoon, I've been a big model of lazy.

There's a mystery woman who pees on the bathroom floor in my office building. I bet that got your attention. Thing is, I'm not lying. She's been caught in the act four times now. She's about 35 years old with long dyed black hair and an average build. Overall, she's very average and doesn't appear homeless. She doesn't work in our building (it's pretty small) and no one has any idea how she arrives, by car or on foot. Four times now, a different co-worker has walked in our eight stall bathroom and found this woman with her pants around her ankles in a full squat, either urinating or (once) defacating. What's your take: mental illness or drug addict?

All I know is this: someone who will squat and piss out in the open will cut me with a knife if confronted. I'm not going to fuck with her.

Switching gears, I've been pensive lately. I'm really trying hard at work to be positive and pro-active. Things are going okay, but in the end I'm not satisfied. I was reading a random blog this afternoon (see? lazy.) and the author is moving to Europe soon from the US. When she told her parents, her father needed to process the info and then told her he was glad she was moving, because she'd just been existing, not LIVING, where she was.

Those words hit like the proverbial thunderbolt. Why hadn't I thought of that before? That's exactly how I feel each day: going through the motions, with no excitement or variation mixed into my days. Since I live and work in the suburbs, my life feels very sterile and intentional. There's no possibility of going out for a walk and getting lost. There's also no true natural beauty in my environment. Now, I am not stupid enough to think the answer to my malaise lies in moving to Europe or some far flung place. I realize the grass is always greener. But I'm moving to the steadfast realization that the answer is also not where I am right now.


I haven't been blogging lately and probably won't for another week or so after this post. I've been absolutely slammed lately. Work has been... tough. Interpersonal conflicts are dominating the work landscape. I'm trying hard to work through them, but somedays I just want to give it all up and hang out in my house for a month or so.

After a really hard week of work last week, I found myself hosting 35 people for an engagement party this weekend. It was fun, but I am still totally exhausted. Still, only one wine glass broke, a bowl of sauce got overturned on my hardwoods and a small splatter of red wine ended up on the carpet. Not bad considering the group I had.

My birthday is this Thursday. Yes, I'm a Valentine's baby. No, I'm not really sweet. I'll be 31, and that pisses me off. But whatever. I'm going to Vegas tomorrow night for my birthday. We return on the redeye Sunday morning around 7am.

I could talk about so much more, but I can't find the energy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Why didn't I think of this before?

Why, oh why, didn't this occur to me before? Many people have done this before me, but I feel as if I have discovered some deeply guarded secret to happiness. It's name? Happiness, thy name is MAID SERVICE.

We had a maid come today for the first time. When I entered my house (or oasis) at 6:02 PM, I smelled the lovely scent of pine. My hardwoods, they shone. My stainless steel cooktop, it glimmered. My bathroom? There isn't an appropriate adjective.

Whatever I have to do to keep this up, I'm doing it. Bi-weekly maid service, I must have it. I'll drive a crappy car if I have to. I just don't care.

We're hosting an engagement party this weekend for my brother-in-law and his new fiancee. The maid was hired to clean before the party because we finally admitted that we don't have the time or energy. I can literally FEEL the stress lift off my shoulders when I think of how much more time I have to concentrate on work and the party. Now, the party might actually be FUN!

How did I ever live before? (okay, a little dramatic, but still...)

Monday, February 4, 2008

If you already know the answer, why even ask someone else's opinion?

Since travel is a passion of mine, I frequent a few different travel message boards related to my favorite destinations. Most posters are really nice and have genuine questions or answers to said questions. For those folks, I patiently answer their questions and move along. The minority, about 10%, are just a pain the ass.

Like the people who make 10 separate threads asking about 10 separate villas. Things like "Villa Extravaganza: construction noise?" and "Villa Spirulina: construction noise?". Days go by, no one answers. Inevitably, when you nicely respond that they would be best served to call the rental agency and inquire about these properties, they say something like "I know, but I'm just hopeful someone can tell me something." Hm. I think the rental agencies CAN tell you something. They're not in the business of lying about construction noise because an unhappy customer is a squeaky wheel. These are people I hope I don't have the misfortune of sitting next to on a beach.

Then, there are the folks who inquire if anyone can tell them of a place to stay for a few nights. Something clean and comfortable like Guesthouse X, who they've called and gotten a quote from. Oh, and does anyone know anything about Guesthouse X? So, when I respond and give them some alternate suggestions (which they asked for) and then proceed to tell them that I've never stayed at Guesthouse X, but the reviews on trip advisor aren't great and they should really check those out, they respond "I'm looking for reviews from people who've stayed there." DUH, assholes. For the FORTIETH TIME, LOOK AT TRIP ADVISOR! Despite some stupid reviews, it is hands down the best place for hotel reviews if you can read through the lines and separate picky travelers from ones like yourself.

I'm going to take a break from stupid people.

Oh, and I brought a "fun mix" of Valentine's Skittles and Starburst into my office, and I'll be damned if some asshole hasn't eaten all of my Skittles and left the Starburst. I'm gonna have to kill somebody for denying me my Skittles.

Oh and Oh - We've got a maid coming tomorrow! Yeah! Now I just have to clean my house before the maid comes. You think that's crazy? So do I, but apparently your house has to be in some sort of order for the maid to do her job. I want to move back in to a very small apartment right now.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Winter is an asshole

I'm officially over it. I don't want to feel crisp air on my skin, have cozy nights wrapped up on blankets or eat hearty soups any more. I want strawberries, tank tops and outdoor dining. Oh, and flip-flops.

The wind is blowing something fierce today and the sky looks, well, melancholy. It's neither rainy nor sunny. Large, grey puffy clouds are blowing by quickly and peeks of blue poke through. Not unattractive, but there aren't enough sun peeks to warm it up out there either.

I said "peek." Twice.

I'm glad it's Friday. I'll be working all day tomorrow on CLIO. We're going to a really dorky bead show and I'm excited. Then, at 4:00pm we meet with a contact about designing some jewelry for a new day spa that's opening in my area. What he wants will be a bit of a challenge, so that's exciting.

Oliver the cat fell in the bathtub again last night. That cat has an issue with water. He's obsessed with it and but doesn't seem to realize he HATES it until he is actually IN it. Oh well, at least I know he can get himself out of a half-full bathtub by himself. Oopsie.