Thursday, November 8, 2007

The only thing worse than being at work

... Is being at work with absolutely nothing to do. And not being able to leave because you're waiting for the other shoe to drop on a $20+ million deal. "Couldn't you find something else to do," you're probably saying right now. "Maybe organize something, or catch up on some shit you're behind on." Yeah, maybe I could, but I'm not gonna.

FACT: It's a lot more fun to blog about it how much work sucks than to actually DO something to make work better.

On a somewhat related note, I'm feeling creatively-challenged on the jewelry design front. This always tends to happen when I get serious about turning it into a business. I get all excited, then I sit down to actually design new stuff and all of the sudden I think I suck at the whole thing. Fear, it's a killer.