Sunday, December 9, 2007

Jewels and land and such

It's been a busy week. I'm a commercial real estate attorney by day, and December is traditionally our busiest month. The closings are coming fast and furiously. I see no stopping this train until mid-January. So be it.

The jewelry business is off to a banner start. My friend and I design all of the earrings and necklaces we create. We handle everything, from selection of the beads to purchasing the findings to pricing. We're busy and we're tired. But in a good way. We had our first show this past week, and sold about $1300 worth of jewelry. We've got another show coming up next weekend, and I hope that show will make us solvent. We made over 120 pieces in six short weeks. Not bad, eh?

I've complicated my life once again. I have a bug in my brain that I want to own property in the Caribbean. But not just anywhere, on St. John, arguably one of the toniest locations in all of the Caribbean. Decent lots are still available and prices are coming down. Sales are down. We can afford the land, we just can't afford to build a house. Concrete is a bloody fortune, and you can't get insurance (nor a loan) with a wood-frame house. You gotta have concrete, and you want concrete, the winds can huff and puff but they can't blow concrete down. The contractors know it, and building is now a fortune.

Is it worth it? We're going to wait and research for at least a year before buying. Would we be better served to save our cash, pay off our house here in the States early and just live the easy life? I guess that way we could afford to travel to STJ or some other Caribbean locale and rent a long-term apartment for several months out of the year. Maybe that's the way? Or is ownership the better investment long-term? The Caribbean is such a harsh climate. Between earthquakes, hurricanes, extreme sun, salt, humidity, heat and bugs... I've got to know: Am I crazy?

If so, just tell me. I can take it. Trust me.


  1. Anonymous said...

    We are in the middle of a global market correction. I would say crash but that is too depressing and you don't need that! DON'T BUY. Pay off your house if you want and as long as you never plan to sell it (otherwise, sell it and rent.) You will be able to travel anywhere you want. In five years, you will be able to buy anywhere you want.

    Stop reading the dead woman's blog. Stop talking to your mother and sister unless you are really cheerful. Otherwise they will only drag you down. I have been there.

    Have children - it is the greatest joy EVER. You are smart and you look inward and that will save you from yourself. Also having children, from a perfectly selfish point of view, will teach you more about life and what is important than anything else ever. I say this even as I yell at my teenagers to finish their schoolwork if they want to go out...

    Enjoy yourself.

  2. Island Chica said...

    It all sounds so simple when you say it. Maybe it is? I'll stop with the dead blog. That's a start, right?

    We can't afford to buy for a couple of years yet, so I have time to investigate the market. I hope you're right though about a market correction. We shall see.

    Kids? Maybe. I still have some time left to decide that one. They're sticky (literally and figuratively).