Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Why didn't I think of this before?

Why, oh why, didn't this occur to me before? Many people have done this before me, but I feel as if I have discovered some deeply guarded secret to happiness. It's name? Happiness, thy name is MAID SERVICE.

We had a maid come today for the first time. When I entered my house (or oasis) at 6:02 PM, I smelled the lovely scent of pine. My hardwoods, they shone. My stainless steel cooktop, it glimmered. My bathroom? There isn't an appropriate adjective.

Whatever I have to do to keep this up, I'm doing it. Bi-weekly maid service, I must have it. I'll drive a crappy car if I have to. I just don't care.

We're hosting an engagement party this weekend for my brother-in-law and his new fiancee. The maid was hired to clean before the party because we finally admitted that we don't have the time or energy. I can literally FEEL the stress lift off my shoulders when I think of how much more time I have to concentrate on work and the party. Now, the party might actually be FUN!

How did I ever live before? (okay, a little dramatic, but still...)