Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My reign as the unluckiest flyer ever continues

The good news: we got to Vegas last Wednesday night.

The bad news: we only arrived after battling 50 MPH wind gusts and an aborted landing.

My reign as the unluckiest flyer ever continues! Seriously, why do I even try to fly to Vegas any more? Each and every flight I've ever taken out there has sucked with a capital "S."

The kicker this time? It seems we used up all our luck on that landing, because getting on that plane was the only gamble we won all weekend. Okay, so that's not entirely true, we did come out ahead at the Mirage (what else is new?) but pretty much donated our winnings to MGM later that same evening.

I'm not really in the proper frame of mind to write a trip report, but when I do the following topics will be covered: Ugly Americans, kilts, the Pleasure Pit, O, and a really embarassing birthday moment.

I bet you can't wait!