Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I'm at a bit of an impasse with my jewelry business. When it started, it seemed like it would be a fun diversion.

How quickly things change.

When we did a couple of shows in December, it quickly became apparent how much work this would be. Besides making the jewelry, which is time-consuming enough by itself, there's logging inventory, accounting, marketing and pricing. It's not that I mind, it's just that I'm a big investment/reward person. Is the time and effort I'm spending worth the money this is bringing in?

So far, the answer is a resounding "NO."

If I had more time, I could really do something with this company. I'm sure of that. But isn't that the way it always sounds: "If I had more time, I could... cure cancer... save the rainforests... learn how to pilot small aircraft." Insert your own wish in, the point is always the same. There's just not enough time in this life to do everything.

So I feel like it's shit or get off the pot time with jewelry. Either it's a hobby, or it's a business. But this hybrid hobby/business model isn't working for anybody. Not me, not my business partner, not the bottom line.

I've certainly learned a thing or two from this experience. But maybe it's time for a new dream? Or is it time to push forward with this one?

I don't know what to do.

UPDATE: I didn't buy a dress yesterday. I figured it was contra to the whole "living simply" idea

UPDATE: My mom decided not to sell us her car. Now I've got to find a Plan B to eradicate the yuppie albatross from my life.