Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Any regular reader around here knows I have a certain amount of sarcastic anger bubbling just under the surface. I'm considering a weekly (or bi-weekly or monthly... so basically when I feel like it) feature called "REALLY?!" where I list all of the dumb shit that has pissed me off. A few gems from recent days:

1. My mom asked if we wanted to buy her car. Once we got into negotiations and made plans, she started backpeddling and yesterday told me that she's decided to keep her car and we have to go to Plan B. REALLY?!

2. The semi-idiot kid across the street ran out in front of my car yet again yesterday. He's 8, which I consider old enough to KNOW BETTER. I was only going, like, 10 miles an hour, so I fortunately had time to slam on my brakes. REALLY?!

3. The President-elect of our Home Owner's Association has said he will step down because he recently lost his job and "his family is his first priority." He has suggested that my husband, a board member, would make a fine President. Oh, fuck no. I will get a d-i-v-o-r-c-e if that happens. REALLY?!

4. An acquaintance from law school that I haven't seen in years just started a jewelry company. The name is oddly-similar to our name. REALLY?!

5. Someone just sent a box of hot Krispy Kreme donuts to our office, and I sit right by the kitchen. I'm watching all these fools run in for donuts, and I'm on a diet. REALLY?! (UPDATE: I have 1/4 of a donut. It wasn't that good. Urge solved with very little diet damage.)

That's all the anger I have this morning. See, I feel better already.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I feel better already, too! Great idea. I'm stealing it... THANK YOU. See you next time you are in my paid.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Oh - about that donut. I'm on a diet, too, which really pisses me off. But anyway. On Saturdays, I'm allowed to have whatever I want. So I did, it was nice. Then Sunday my older son makes cake. If there is one thing I cannot resist it is cake... I was beside myself. I said, "That smells so good, how can I resist?" He said, "Just smell it, mom." With that you are some kinda dummy tone. Well, I did: I just leaned over the griddle (they were making cake pancakes) and smelled for a minute or so. And I didn't have to eat any: the smelling worked. There's a revolutionary diet idea!

  3. Philippe said...

    Does that "semi stupid kid"'s parents are lawyers? Maybe it is intentional and they are training their kid to get your house!...LOL!
    I am passing everyday on your blog, but necessary leace a trace (comment) because I am kinda busy, and have so many blog to read on the morning, that's why you dindn't heard (read from me since a while.... But don't worry and keep writting, I am still here as one of you most faithful reader!