Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Your Answer is in the Stars

You know how you forget about funny stuff you did as a kid or a young adult? And then all of a sudden you see something and it reminds you and BAM, the memory comes flooding back? That happened to me today.

When I was in Middle School, I wanted to be a writer. I got involved in our school's paper and got drafted to do the horoscopes. No one but me, the teacher and our editor knew it was me. I never told anyone (which was weird because I have a big mouth, and to know me is to know I cannot be trusted with confidential information. It's a personality flaw. Sue me.).

Anyways... So I would make these horoscopes up once a week. We're talking pull them out of my ass. I was all "ARIES: This week you will face struggles in your studies. Stick with it. But be sure to give that special someone a wink when they look at you. Don't worry, the feeling is mutual!"

I probably scarred a lot of people with horoscopes like those.

Clearly, I enjoyed playing the role of a little sociopathic soothsayer. I clearly remember one friend going on and on about how the horoscope was SO TRUE for her. I had to put "so true" in all caps because she was a 12 year old girl and that's how they talk.

Ah, fun times. And to think, I'd forgotten all about this until today.