Monday, June 2, 2008


As I've mentioned 3,389 times, I'm in the commercial real estate business. Up until April, there was enough work to keep me busy. Since I returned from Costa Rica, the well has dried up. As in bone dry. The good news? I know for a fact my job is safe because I've been told so. Twice. I feel a little guilty collecting a fairly large paycheck for little-to-no work, but I figure I've been working consistently for three years now, with little down time. This business is cyclical, and I've been told to enjoy myself for the time being.

So today, I think I'm leaving early to go shopping. I want a new dress, and I'm going to buy one, dammit. Okay, if I can find one that is in my self-imposed budget, I'm going to buy one.

On a completely unrelated note, I realize that I've failed to provide any real report for my Costa Rica trip. I've written most of one, but frankly I've lost steam to finish. Somehow it's just not as important to me to document every little occurence as it used to be. We had a great time, met some great people and stayed in fabulous places. The Osa Peninsula in particular was enchanting.

This is a catch-all kind of post, but I've been busy with life lately. Between making new jewelry, working, keeping my house clean, cooking and seeing friends, I've had little time for blogging.

The Italian and I had a discussion yesterday and he's on board with paring back our lives a little bit. We went to a going away party for our friends M and T this weekend. They live in a perfect suburban neighborhood with huge homes, luxury cars and Stepford wives. All the men wear polos, all the women wear Lily Pulitzer. After spending the evening at the perfect little cul-de-sac barbeque, the Italian told me: "I don't want that life, and I feel like that's where we're headed." I agreed and we discussed how to change things.

First, we're going to sell our home when we can. Second, we're selling my car. Third, we're going to save like little squirrels storing nuts for the long winter. For me, freedom = happiness. Right now, we're just not free. We are one job loss away from a major catastrophe, financially-speaking. I am uncomfortable with that situation.

This post is just one big brain-dump.