Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Happy Place

I have to do a couple of really unpleasant things at work today. Oh, and I have to go to the DENTIST. The last time I went there, they found three cavities and committed crimes against nature in my mouth (that sounds dirty). So I've put off going for two years. There'll be hell to pay, I'm sure of it.

When I'm in that chair, high on gas, I'll really be on Maho Beach in St. John:

PS - Something is up with my template b/c my black background is not showing up. Sorry if it's hard to read. I suspect that image shack is having an issue, but if this doesn't resolve in a couple of days I'm switching templates.

PPS - Thanks to Saratica for the shout out on her blog, My readership has, like, doubled today (from 7 to 14!). Big times.