Monday, June 23, 2008

On the bandwagon

I'm kind of faddish when it comes to food. Though I really don't have any kind of weight problem, I still wish I were more athletic or leaner. Yes, I know what I have to do to get that way. My problem is that regular, intense exercise is difficult for me to maintain. Call it laziness, call it life, but at the end of the day, my schedule just doesn't allow for it to be in my top five priorities.

Anyway, I've been giving thought lately to trying something called the 21 Day Cleanse designed by Kathy something-or-the-other. Oh god, it's an Oprah thing and the fact that I'm even admitting to doing this makes me feel like the most obedient little sheep in the pasture. I've given this some thought of a four or five day period. Should I? Do I want to? Am I committed to this?

The idea is simple. For 21 days, you give up the following:
1. Sugar (added sugar, not those found in fruits);
2. Caffeine;
3. Alcohol;
4. All animal products; and
5. Gluten.

The hardest for me will be the alcohol and gluten. I drink wine a lot, probably a glass a day. I have one cup of coffee a day, and while it's a habit, I don't think it's an addiction. The gluten thing will be hard, because while I can do without animal products, I usually substitute bread or some other wheat-based grain. Not this time.

Anyway, I intend to post my progress, for better or worse. I decided to start today. For breakfast, I had decaf tea, a soy sausage patty, a cherry LARA bar and five almonds. It's 11:00 am, and I'm hungry. No headache yet from the lack of coffee, so that's good.

The idea behind this is surely better health, but also to be more conscious of what you eat. This is particularly true in regards to animal products. In the US, so many of the animal products we consume contain chemicals and by-products. Our cows eat corn feed, and cows are supposed to eat grass. Our chickens eat other chickens... and that just seems wrong. Our pigs eat, god, I don't even want to know, but I feel confident its probably not great for us.

I long ago cut mammal meats from my diet. I've been eating just poultry and seafood for years now. Those will be a little tough to give up, as will eggs. But it's only three weeks.



  1. Unknown said...

    Good luck with that. I hope you have better luck with it than I.

    I tried it once, but after three days I was such an a**hole that my friends and family DEMANDED that I resume eating "normally"...

    Who knew?