Sunday, October 28, 2007

Looky here

So, my mom stops by tonight. Normally it's a rather bleak occasion when she happens by, because she's a rather toxic person at times. This time, though, she brought a visitor by. A furry one, as you can see by the picture I've posted (it's worth noting that those are my mother's yellowing fingernails, not mine, thank you very much). She found him behind her house, and his mama has no more milk left to feed him. So, my mom has taken him in. Problem is, she doesn't want the little guy permanently. This, apparently, is where we come in.

The Italian and I have two cats now, but I've really been wanting a male orange marmalade for some time now. It's a bit early to tell yet, but it appears to be a boy. Oh brother. Sounds like I've got some convincing to do...


  1. Philippe said...

    Wow...He is adorable! So... here is your little orange stuff you were waiting for!!!... Sure you will adopt him. By the way, our Rusty is really a great cat, I have no regret he choose us. I can't wait to know what will be your (and the Italian...) decision about this kitty