Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Window to the World

I changed offices recently. I now have a great office on the first floor that overlooks bushes, trees, and a very rarely used asphalt drive. You can't really see much of the drive over the top of the bushes, so all in all this is a very peaceful setting. My workday is much more productive now, and I honestly feel less stressed because I can see the sky, the clouds (there are none today), trees and, to my extreme pleasure, animals.

Yep, that's right. When I first moved in, I had a large spider that had taken up residence just outside my window. She's gone now, relocated by the very large thunderstorm that swept through yesterday. She was safe during the storm because I saw her pull up tightly under a overhang just as the weather got really nasty. But today, her web is gone, and so is she.

Surprisingly, I saw a cat trot right on by my window this morning. A large, grey and black tabby with a very bouncy step bounded right on by, jumped up on a concrete jut-out and took off. I wish he would come back.

Maybe I'll get a rooster. We used to have one at our office, he just appeared one day until we found him a home (yes, we really did, and no, he didn't get eaten). It probably sounds like I work in some podunk area, right? Nope, I work in a normal, suburban office building. We have a residential neighborhood behind us, so I think that's where the animals are coming from. I don't care, keep 'em coming. It makes me happy.