Friday, January 25, 2008

The argument against watching murder shows before bedtime

I'm addicted to shows like The First 48, Cold Case Files (the A&E non-fiction version, not the drama), American Justice, etc. If someone has been murdered (for real, not as part of a plot line), I'm totally there. It's the part of me that always wanted to be a criminal lawyer. What can I say? I don't mind gore.

(Note: Unless it involves animals, and then all bets are off. Don't know why, but I can't stand to hear of a cat or dog or horse, etc dying, but humans? Eh. I think it's because we have the capacity to think, and *most* people murdered on these shows actively did something that caused their murder. Most, but not all.)

I digress. Anyway, after a marathon night of watching three episodes of The First 48 in a row, I fell asleep to the Justice Files, or something similar. What a fucking mistake. I had a series of messed up dreams last night.

First I dreamed that I was pulling out of a parking garage and a car zoomed around me and pulled out in front of me to beat a yellow light on the main road. Only problem was, he didn't see the car stopped at the light already. I pulled out and came upon a fresh crash scene. The stopped car was okay, but the guy who pulled out around me was dead. His truck was literally standing on it's front end. Nevermind that the physics involved don't make sense. It was still pretty fucked up.

Then, I dreamed that I had open heart surgery. I don't know why, but I did and I was afraid to look at the incision. Zach Braff was there too. I think that comes from watching too many reruns of Scrubs. I don't really know, but really, WTF?

I'm going to watch an episode of Vagina Power with Alexysssss Taylor (however you spell it, she's a hot bitch) tonight before bed and see what kind of dreams result from that. Don't know what "Vagina Power" is? Oooh, girl, you're missin' out:

You can thank me later. Or, hate me later. It's up to you.