Sunday, January 13, 2008

Update on my list

New reader Poppy (welcome!) commented on my anti-resolution resolutions, and I was reminded that my update post hadn't happened yet. Okay, so I lost steam in creating 31 things to do in my 31st year. I did, however, come up with 16. So, I think I'm going to stick with 16. Does that make me a quitter before I even started? Perhaps. But I don't care, it's my list so deal with it.

Here's an update on my progress thus far:

16 Things in my 31st Year:

1. Run a 10K: I've actually researched this one and I've got an early March race that I think I'm going to do. The Italian wants to run with me, so yeah!

2. Do the zipline in Costa Rica in May: Trying to get up the courage for this one. I'm going to at least try.

3. Decorate our bedroom: Ohhh, making progress. We've got new bedding, new lampshades and have painted our bedside tables. Next up is painting the room, finding a dresser and some wall art. I LOVE my new bedding though. We went with a color that Restoration Hardware calls Silver Sage. We didn't buy RH bedding though - that stuff is crazy expensive.

4. Try a Bikram Yoga class: Um, not yet.

5. Research how to get your writing published and attempt to write an article or book chapter: Again, a nonstarter thus far.

6. Hire a maid: Still trying to cut #10 a bit before I address this one. Ironically, I have to clean the house when I finish typing this post. Think about it, people, you'd have better posts if only I didn't have to clean!

7. Go to St. John (even if pregnant), hike Ram's Head and snorkel Salt Pond: Trip booked for October 2008, thanks to FF miles. Also have invited friends so this may be a really great trip. Italian and I have discussed turning this into a procreation vacation. Hehe.

8. Find a damn donkey on St. John (there is history behind this one): We won't know until October.

9. Add 3 new recipes to my regular arsenal: I've added one, a Cooking Light recipe for Linguine with tomatoes and leeks. It was really good. I'm going to try a new one tonight too.

10. Cut our monthly expenses by $500 (this may conflict with #6): We found a way to cut our car insurance by $30 a month, and are probably selling my car (a very expensive convertible BMW) in favor of a Honda Accord. Boring, but we wouldn't have a car payment.

11. Make a profit on my jewelry business: On hold. My partner and I are turning back to this in February.

12. Learn how to take good pictures: I still suck at it.

13. Don't pay for any sizeable purchase on credit. We're starting 2008 debt-free, and I want to keep it that way: Still hanging tight.

14. Take a flight without xanax: No flights since I made this list. I've got a trip to Vegas coming up in February, but I don't think I'm going to try this then. A flight back from Vegas is the reason I started taking anxiety meds while flying in the first place.

15. Keep up with my time entry at work on a regular, weekly basis: Doing much, much better, though I can't say I've been perfect. But I am a LOT better. I intend to keep it up.

16. Stop drinking diet soda every day: shit, this one is hard. I'm addicted, I tell you. I need to stop.