Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Random Thought

The Italian and I often wonder whether anything we do or say is original. We'll be talking, and one of us will say some completely offhand remark, usually related to an offhand topic. I wish I could think of an example, but it's early and my memory isn't up to snuff yet. Anyway, when that happens, we'll wonder whether or not that exact same sentence has ever been said before by anyone in the history of the world.

I wondered something similar last night when I was at the grocery. My cart is a weird mix of carnivore and vegan. You've got soy milk and soy sausages, alongside expensive Greek yogurt and boneless chicken thighs. Then there's hummus, grapefruit, broccoli and beans. Zucchini, ice pops, basmati rice and lots of canned tomatoes. Oh, and tampons. It's a weird basket. I think the suburbanite moms with their mountains of pre-packaged, processed food look confused when they see me unload. Where are the Dorito's, frozen pizzas and Lean Cuisines? It's not a judgment, but an accurate observation.

Anyway, as I was unloading my strange basket, I wondered whether or not anyone in the history of the world has picked up the exact same groceries before? Probably not, just because we have so many choices and the combinations are seemingly limitless. It's nice to know some things we do might be original.