Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Anti-New Year's Resolution Resolutions

In general, I don't make New Year's resolutions. I understand why people do it, because there is something very nice about starting fresh. A new year is a nice, identifiable starting point. However, I still stand by my initial statement that I DON'T MAKE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS. I am, however, going to do something very hokey. And I don't care.

Here's the deal. I turn 31 in February. At this time next year, I will likely be pregnant. Seeing as this is probably my last full year all by myself, I'm going to do some things for myself. I'm making a list called 31 things to do in my 31st year. I by no means think your life completely stops when you have kids, but it does change and make things more difficult. Priorities shift. So, why I am still relatively high on my priority list, I'm going to take care of doing some things I've always wanted to do.

I've got 15 so far. I plan on having a complete list in the coming weeks. Here goes:

31 Things in my 31st Year:

1. Run a 10K
2. Do the zipline in Costa Rica in May
3. Decorate our bedroom
4. Try a Bikram Yoga class
5. Research how to get your writing published and attempt to write an article or book chapter
6. Hire a maid
7. Go to St. John (even if pregnant), hike Ram's Head and snorkel Salt Pond
8. Find a damn donkey on St. John (there is history behind this one)
9. Add 3 new recipes to my regular arsenal
10. Cut our monthly expenses by $500 (this may conflict with #6)
11. Make a profit on my jewelry business
12. Learn how to take good pictures
13. Don't pay for any sizeable purchase on credit. We're starting 2008 debt-free, and I want to keep it that way.
14. Take a flight without xanax.
15. Keep up with my time entry at work on a regular, weekly basis.
16. Stop drinking diet soda every day.

I can't wait to see what else I come up with. I'm going to tackle one or two of these things in the next few weeks.


  1. Poppy said...

    I'll give you complete support in kicking #10 to the curb in favor of #6 :)

    Great idea to make this list and I wish you luck on accomplishing all items before the end of '08~

    And you're right, having a family doesn't end your life but it definitely changes a lot of things.